A hilarious scene in Indian trains
First of all thanks to British who left us the trains. I think we preserved them so well that they still run even after 50 years!
I really love observing people in public places especially when you have lot of time in airports or bus or train stations. Recently, I went to Coimbatore by train. I got an early train around 6.15 a.m. Train was as busy as always. I always think Bangalore needs more train all the time. It looks as though people live in the trains. As many trains do, there was a pantry. The caterers started going around with food from 7 a.m. I have noticed many people eat a lot in the trains as they are forced to sit idle. They don’t know what to do with their time. So eat whatever comes! For breakfast Dosa (like Pan cakes) was served with Chutney (made of coconut and pulses like Mayonnaise) and Sambar (like soup but thicker than that). Dosa is a popular south Indian breakfast.
The train was speeding up and was very shaky. The caterers came with a flat paper plate and served dosa with Chutney and Sambar. OOPS! Before I could imagine what can happen, the person sitting just in front of me bought dosa. Before he could eat it the chutney spilled on one side and sambar on the other. He couldn’t stop the sambar and chutney shaking with the train. What can flat plates do against the law of inertia. Soon there was a mess on the floor. Further, there was a small pool created beneath the wash basin. That made a good combination and helped people to spread the sambar cum chutney all through the compartment. Although the scene was hilarious it provoked my thoughts.
I also observed few ladies traveling on their own with couple of kids. Kids making mess by throwing the rubbish all over the seat. Within an hour the condition of the train was pathetic. People are racing with time in such a way that one doesn't have the time to sit and think. Neither to think for the self nor to think for others. As long as I get things done it doesn’t matter. Few thoughts such as Can I present myself in a better way? Can I show myself or country to a foreigner and be proud about my country. It is a shame that Indians perceive ourselves as ‘wonderful, powerful, very spiritual and great’. But how does it look to others? Whenever I see people who struggle to make their living having many kids, I wonder where is the thinking? What do we lack? Awareness? Practical approach towards life
At 6:35 AM,
Ananth said…
I also travel a lot between Hyderabad and Chennai.. The travel is a long one sometimes taking as much as 15 hours..I see the same choas as you mentioned..But somehow, i have come to enjoy it all. I guess this eutopian view can be ascribed to the fact that i usually travel in side lower berth so that i can watch the country side all day long..:-)
I like watching this choas because somehow just closely watching the different people alone is gratifying. Maybe because i can see myself in others. And when i laugh at them, i know i laugh at myself...:-)
At 4:44 AM,
Isaac A Christopher said…
I travel a lot wen I was workin in India... I ve also travelled in Virgin trains tat clocks 135mph. with lill bit of shake in it.. anyway.. I love indian railways more than anyother railway.. it's jes a way of life. With loads of people around and lot many things happenin.. I jes enjoy it...
At 4:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just can't help thinking how arrogant your perspective is...
Life is tough. Period!
It's a pity that you feel ashamed of your country and it's peoples..not everyone is fortunate enough to have favorable circumstances which would then afford them the 'awareness'...So, instead of looking down on people, perhaps a little compassion would not hurt..
At 9:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
The term that you say as weakness is our real strength. We need not present ourselves to others in a way that they are or would like it. We are realistic and are more humane. I too travelled abroad and they never care about others. They have the feel of insecurity. It is in our motherland, we trust people and even ask the strangers to look out for our children.
You may say that we are interfering with other person's work. Believe me when you are been trusted with such a task, you would really feel gr8 and a warmth has been created around us. After all we are social beings and loved to be in a group. Our spirituality in us even without knowing guides us. That is our motherland. You can never ever compare with any other society.
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